Modes of Transportation
- You can book through a State Travel Agency – Identify yourself as a state employee and verify that you are getting the state rate. This fare is reimbursable without any further action.
- You can book on the internet – You must have 2 quotes from two different source. The quotes must include all fees that will be charged for your booking.
- When you book on the internet, you will have to use the lesser of the two (2) fares. If you must choose the higher, a Waiver Request Form must be submitted for approval to Procurement Services prior to booking the flight.
- The paid itinerary and the second quote have to be filed with your travel voucher for reimbursement.
Private Vehicle
- If you choose to drive your private vehicle out of state a cost comparison will be performed.
- You will need to obtain the lowest unrestricted airfare quote.
- Ground transportation (taxi, bus, subway, etc….) will be factored into that quote, including Rental Vehicle if deemed necessary.
- Parking at Memphis airport.
Compared to:
- Total mileage to and from your destination.
- In route meals
- In route lodging
In order to be reimbursed for mileage when a reasonable airfare exists, you will have to include a specific statement with your voucher that is signed by you and your department head.
Statement and Justification required
“In my opinion, it is in the best interest of this agency that (employee name) use his private vehicle for travel on (date from), (origin), (date to), (destination).” This statement will require complete justification by the agency head.
Rental Vehicle
- Book with the State Contract Rental Car Company and identify yourself as a State employee.
- Intermediate size vehicle is what is allowed by the State.
- The Contract Rental Car includes unlimited mileage and CDW/LDW insurance. Do Not purchase insurance – it will not be reimbursed.
- When renting in State, the cost of rental car plus gas purchases for the vehicle will be compared to total mileage cost.
- The lesser of the two will be reimbursed.
- When you rent out of state, you will have to provide explanation for the rental. EX: Place of meeting verses lodging (If you can not stay at the Conference Hotel). You will have to provide a copy of the conference brochure to show lodging availability.
- When renting a vehicle at your destination, you have to show cost savings compared to bus, taxi, subway or any other form of ground transportation.
- Travel to and from restaurants will not be reimbursed.
If requesting reimbursement above what the state will allow, you will have to file a Waiver Request Form with Procurement Services for approval prior to your trip.